
Shout Outs are a great way to recognize all the hard work your student has put into this production. The cost is $25, and all proceeds will go to either printing the programs (depending on funds raised) or to other efforts supporting the production. 

Send a camera-ready file to by Friday, July 26th.  The file should be formatted as a JPG, PNG, or TIFF and be 4” high x 2.5” wide.

Please include one picture and a short message to your student – be creative! Payment can be made by cash, check, or we can send you an invoice for online payment.   This is First Come, First Serve! We have room for about 30 Shout Outs in the program.


LHPCA is a Non-profit Organization

Langston Hughes Parents for Choral Arts is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID: 99-2729031) By making a contribution to the PCA, you are supporting the musical growth of nearly 200 Chorus students at Hughes Middle School – and the students in the South Lakes Pyramid which feed and are promoted from our school.

Please consider a donation online through this page or via check to Langston Hughes Parents for Choral Arts, 11401 Ridge Heights Road, Reston, VA 20191

Ads – Business or Personal

Ads are another great way to support the LHPCA and Broadway Summer.  Ads can be run for the full year of concerts/shows or just for the production of GREASE.

Size Spec Grease Only Full Year
Full Page 8” h x 5” w $100 $250
Half Page 4”h x 5”w $50 $175
Quarter Page 4”h x 2.5”w $25 $100

All artwork should be camera-read.  Files accepted: JPG, TIFF, PNG, PDF Email artwork by July 24, 2024 to

Our program includes over 100 student performers and reaches a wide community of parents, alumni and supporters. The program is well recognized with students attending district, all state and national honor choirs.

Your advertisement will be highlighted in our regular season performances each school year as well as exposure on our website, social media and chorus community emails.

Purchase your Ad or Shout-Out